FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method which has been used since the 1930s is one of the most important and commonly used hair transplant methods. Since this method isn’t a surgical intervention, patients who are planning to have a hair transplant operation can easily choose this technique.

What Is FUE Hair Transplant ?

During FUE hair transplant Turkey, local anesthesia is applied and the hair roots are collected one by one using special edged micro motors and implanted into bald areas taking into account the hair growth direction and angle. The hair roots are collected faster with these micro motors and the hair transplantation is completed in a short time.
To express it more clearly, the hair is implanted into the bald area one by one by shaving the donor area to 1 mm during FUE hair transplant Istanbul Turkey. Local anesthesia is used to numb the donor area and the implantation area. The end of the micro motor is brought closer to take the hair root in the middle and the motor is punched to the scalp in the direction of hair growth. The hair root is cut in a cylindrical format with the follicle and the microscopic tissue around it. The hair root is gently pulled with micro forceps and the follicular unit is separated from the base. The follicular units are collected and placed in small holes in the bald area. Each follicular unit contains about 2 or 3 follicles.

FUE Hair Transplant Procedure

Follicular Unit Extraction method, which has been used since the 1930s, is one of the most important and widely used hair transplant methods. Since it’s not a surgical procedure, patients who are planning to undergo hair transplant surgery can easily choose this technique.
In a FUE hair transplant, each individual follicular unit (containing 1-4 hairs) is carefully extracted from the donor area using specialized tools. These units are then transplanted into balding or thinning areas to restore natural-looking hair growth.
During the extraction process, tiny incisions are made around each follicular unit, allowing them to be removed individually without leaving noticeable scars. This makes FUE ideal for individuals who prefer shorter hairstyles or who are concerned about visible scars.
To express it more clearly, the hair is implanted into the bald area one by one by shaving the donor area to 1 mm in FUE transplant Istanbul or the same as Micro FUE Turkey. Local anesthesia is used to numb the donor area and the implant area. The end of the micro motor is brought closer to take the hair root in the middle and the motor is punched to the scalp in the direction of hair growth. The hair root is cut in a cylindrical format with the follicle and the microscopic tissue around it. The hair root is gently pulled with micro forceps and the follicular unit is separated from the base. The follicular units are collected and placed in small holes in the bald area. Each follicular unit contains about 2 or 3 follicles.

What Are The Advantages of the FUE Method?​

This automatic system that minimises the risk to damage the grafts during the operation shortens the operation duration and increases the number of collected grafts. When the procedure is operated in an experienced, correct and sufficient clinic that uses adequate technology and technique, the individuals can have new hair for life.

Why Should I Choose FUE Hair Transplant?

When you get your FUE hair Turkey, you will always get the permanent and immediate results of your procedure. This latest hair transplant method offers a unique approach to your needs. With this technique and technology, the hair transplant is easier to operate and the required hair roots can be taken from more regions. The most important feature is that the operation can be completed without scars. Sutures and stitches aren’t used. The pain is less and the treatment process is faster. With this quick recovery, people can quickly return to their social lives. If the procedure is performed by a professional and experienced team, the results are permanent. Patients don’t experience any pain, tissue or sensation loss after the procedure. Since the hair roots are genetically resistant to hair loss, patients will have permanent hair. FUE Turkey cost is also another factor to consider this procedure. Turkey FUE hair transplant cost is known for its affordable prices. No matter how extensive your needs are, Fue in Turkey costs are well above the average.

Understanding the Procedure

Before undergoing an FUE hair transplant at medfinders Hair Center or any reputable clinic, it’s essential to understand what will happen during the procedure itself.

Pre-operative Preparations

First, you will have an initial consultation with the hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your scalp and hair condition, discuss your expectations, and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Prior to the procedure, you may be advised to follow certain instructions to ensure optimal results. This may include avoiding blood thinning medications or supplements that may interfere with the procedure. Your hair clinic will provide you with specific guidelines to follow. During this step during your FUE Istanbul adventure, you can also expect to learn FUE transplant cost Turkey and even get a better number with package deals for your FUE hair transplant price in Turkey.

Anesthesia Options

On the day of the procedure, you can expect a comfortable and welcoming environment at medfinders Hair Center. Depending on your preference and the extent of the procedure, anesthesia options are available.

Most FUE procedures can be performed under local anesthesia, which means only the donor area (usually at the back or sides of the head) will be numbed. This allows you to remain awake during the surgery while experiencing minimal discomfort.

For those who may feel more anxious or prefer not to be fully conscious during the procedure, sedation options can also be discussed with your surgeon

Understanding the Procedure

Before undergoing an FUE hair transplant at medfinders Hair Center or any reputable clinic, it’s essential to understand what will happen during the procedure itself.

Pre-operative Preparations

Firstly, you will have an initial consultation with the hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your scalp and hair condition, discuss your expectations, and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Leading up to the procedure, you may be advised to follow certain instructions to ensure optimal results. This may include avoiding blood-thinning medications or supplements that could interfere with the surgery. Your hair clinic will provide specific guidelines for you to follow

Duration of Surgery

The duration of an FUE hair transplant surgery varies depending on several factors, including how many grafts are needed and individual patient factors. Typically, an FUE procedure lasts several hours to complete.

It’s crucial to note that medfinders  Hair Center utilizes high-tech equipment and techniques to ensure precision and efficiency throughout each step of the procedure. This commitment enables patients to have exceptional results in a relatively shorter time frame compared to traditional methods.

Now that we’ve covered what FUE hair transplant is all about let’s move on to uncovering various aspects of this transformative journey.

What Are the Things to Consider in Hair Transplant?

One of the most important things to consider in hair transplant is to plan an entirely customized treatment process. Because the donor region and bald region are different for everyone. Therefore, “a standard hair transplant for everyone” is an incorrect approach. A custom treatment or hair transplant method should be selected for hair structure and expectations. Surgeons can reach up to 99% success rate by choosing an entirely custom treatment process for the patients during the pre-op consultation process.

Who Cannot Have Hair Transplant?

Since the individuals mentioned above cause a health risk or cannot achieve successful hair transplant results, it isn’t right to apply hair transplant operation!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You may have some burning questions about FUE hair transplant. To provide you with the information you need, here are answers to frequently asked questions:
The duration of an FUE hair transplant procedure can vary depending on several factors, such as the number of grafts needed and individual patient characteristics. On average, an FUE hair transplant can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day.At medfinders Hair Center, we prioritize efficiency without compromising quality. Our experienced team utilizes advanced techniques and equipment to maximize surgical precision while minimizing procedure time.

During an FUE hair transplant, local anesthesia is commonly used. This means that only the donor area is numbed while you remain awake throughout the procedure.

Local anesthesia allows for a comfortable experience during the surgery while ensuring minimal discomfort. However, if you prefer to be less aware during the procedure, sedation options can be discussed with your surgeon at Hermest Hair Center.

Proper post-operative care is crucial for optimal healing and results after an FUE hair transplant. Your hair clinic will provide specific instructions for caring for your transplanted hair, including guidelines on washing. Generally, gentle techniques should be employed when washing your transplanted hair. This involves using a mild shampoo and avoiding excessive rubbing or scratching of the scalp. Your surgeon will guide you through these instructions and answer any questions you may have during follow-up appointments at Hermest Hair Center.

Hair growth following an FUE hair transplant occurs in stages, with initial shedding followed by gradual regrowth over time.

Within a few weeks after the surgery, you may experience shedding of the transplanted hairs. This is a normal part of the process and allows for healthier regrowth.

Within 3-6 months following the procedure, you should begin to notice improved hair growth as new hairs sprout from the transplanted follicular units. Significant results are typically visible within 6-12 months after the surgery, although hair growth may continue to improve for up to 18 months or longer.

It’s important to note that each individual’s experience with hair growth timing may vary based on personal characteristics and adherence to post-operative care instructions

The results of an FUE hair transplant at Hermest Hair Center are designed to be long-lasting and permanent. The transplanted hairs are typically derived from genetically resistant areas, making them less likely to fall out over time.

However, it’s important to understand that existing non-transplanted hairs that were previously susceptible to hair loss due to genetic factors can still be subject to further thinning or loss in the future. To address this possibility and maintain optimal results, your surgeon at Hermest Hair Center may recommend additional medical therapies or treatments tailored specifically for your needs.

At Hermest Hair Center, we aim for patient satisfaction by providing comprehensive care and support throughout your journey. Regular follow-up appointments with our experienced team allow us to assess your progress, address any concerns, and provide guidance on maintaining your newly transplanted hair.

Choosing an FUE hair transplant at a reputable center like Hermest Hair Center can be a life-changing decision. Our commitment to personalized treatment plans, advanced techniques, and exceptional patient care ensures that your experience is both comfortable and transformative.

From the initial consultation to the recovery period and beyond, Hermest Hair Center walks alongside you every step of the way. Our team of skilled surgeons and dedicated professionals will provide guidance, support, and expertise to help you regain your hair with confidence.

Remember that results from an FUE hair transplant take time to manifest fully. Patience is key as you go through stages of shedding and regrowth. Following post-operative instructions diligently while maintaining regular follow-up appointments with Hermest Hair Center will set you on the path towards achieving natural-looking results.

Don’t let hair loss diminish your self-esteem or hinder your quality of life. Take control of your hair restoration journey with an FUE hair transplant at Hermest Hair Center . Regain your hair with confidence and embrace a future filled with renewed self-assurance.

It’s time to make a positive change in your life. Contact us at Hermest Hair Center today for a consultation and embark on a transformative journey that will give you back more than just strands of hair.

However, the all-inclusive FUE Hair Transplant costs usually contains:

  • Airport transfer
  • Medications are required during, before and after the procedure.
  • 4 or 5-star accommodation
  • Aftercare services
  • Translator if needed.



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